Dan Burkholder
Photographer, Artist, Educator
Dan Burkholder was one of the first fine art photographers to champion digital technology by creating the digital negative in 1992. His platinum/palladium prints combine the control of digital technology with the classic beauty of the handmade darkroom print. A Master platinum printer, Dan also developed methods leading to the Pigment-Over-Platinum print and the Platinum/Palladium Over Gold Leaf print.
Bridging the classic history of photography with the digitally-based world of photography today, Dan has inspired thousands of photographers with his willingness to present his knowledge through humor-filled workshops and digital publications. He continues to share his enthusiasm for new cameras, techniques and approaches along with more than a few gadgets thrown in for good measure.
Bridging the classic history of photography with the digitally-based world of photography today, Dan has inspired thousands of photographers with his willingness to present his knowledge through humor-filled workshops and digital publications. He continues to share his enthusiasm for new cameras, techniques and approaches along with more than a few gadgets thrown in for good measure.