with Dan Burkholder
Use the buttons below to pay by credit card or by Paypal.
If you’d rather mail a CHECK to us, it will save credit card fees and you will get a small discount of $50 off (your check should be for $3200 for sharing a room or $3800 for a private single room). Either way is fine! Dan Burkholder, 67 Woodland Ln, Palenville NY 12463 |
SINGLE ROOM Final Payment for Romania + $600 supplement (minus $1000)Pay your final payment here if you have requested a SINGLE room. More class information can be found on a workshop itinerary page. The total cost is $4250 + $600 for a single room, so minus your $1000 deposit leaves a balance of $3850. Pay here by credit card or Paypal. Now you only have to pack! Be sure to call with any questions. Payment and Cancellation PolicyHold your spot with a $1000 deposit with the balance due Mar 15. Because of advanced planning, if the cancellation is after March 15, we will not be able to refund any of the workshop fee.
SHARING A ROOM Final Payment for Romania (minus $1000 deposit)Pay your final payment here if you have requested to SHARE a double room. More trip information can be found on the workshop itinerary link. The total cost is $4250 for a double room, so minus your $1000 deposit leaves a balance of $3250. Pay here by credit card or Paypal. Last step before the fun begins! Be sure to call with any questions. If you have signed up close to the trip date, you may need to pay the deposit also to send the full cost. Simply click on the deposit below and it will be added to your total. Hidden Romania May. 9 -18, 2024 - DEPOSITMay 9-18, 2024 — Photo workshop to rural Romania and Transylvania with Dan Burkholder. Explore the charming villages of the Maramures region with its traditional way of life. The full cost of the trip is $4950. Balance is due March 10, 2024. Trip is limited to 10 participants. |